Scenting for Doctors' Offices and Healthcare Settings – Aroma Retail Skip to content
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Scenting for Medical Offices

Soothe and Calm Patient Nerves and Reduce Cancellations With an Office that Smells Relaxing and Clean!

Scenting for Medical

Scenting for Medical Offices 

Your prospective and current patients, guests, and employees are going to smell your medical facility - it’s unavoidable. If you’re not managing your scenting for doctors' offices and healthcare settings, something else is.

Common malodors that are solved by scenting medical offices and hospitals include the following:
  • Medical chemical odors
  • Biological odors like sweat and urine
  • Furniture and carpet odor
  • Garbage odor
  • Food odor

These types of malodors cannot be resolved with cleaning solutions alone without smelling like an institution, which is where Aroma Retail helps the Medical Industry with our scenting solutions for healthcare.

Scenting for medical offices and hospitals is done for many reasons:
  • A scented medical facility feels more like a nice professional office or home and less like an institution.
  • Increased revenue from patient converts and more referrals from patients, by creating a better first impression with great smells that promote good health and optimism.
  • Increased productivity and patience from guests and employees because everyone is more comfortable with a better mood in a great smelling medical facility.
  • Without scenting, your medical facility’s design and décor are incomplete and just doesn’t feel right.
Facts to consider about the impact of scenting for medical offices:
  • The use of scents helped reduce stress-related to claustrophobia 63% during MRI’s.
  • Décor is not the first thing your guests and employees notice when they walk through your door – it’s the smell of the doctor's office.
  • People are 100% more likely to remember what they smell at medical facilities vs what they see, hear or touch.
  • Research indicates a 40% improvement in mood when exposed to a pleasing scent, which is critical to a successful patient experience.
  • A large call center company surveyed its employees and found that scenting resulted in increased cognition and relaxation, which indicates better state of mind for patients and higher productivity for employees.
  • Nike participants paid 10 -15% more for a pair of shoes in a scented area compared to identical shoes in a non-scented area, which indicates more confidence in dealing with medical expenses.
  • In a study conducted by Samsung, shoppers underestimated the amount of time they spent shopping by 25% and visited 3x more sections when exposed to aromas, which indicates better memories for patients and their families.
  • People recall smells with a 65% accuracy after a year, indicating an opportunity for happier memories for guests of scented medical facilities.


Medical Office Scenting Recommendations
    • Mood Collection Wellness
    • Blue Ice - Resorts Collection
    • Farina Fragrance Museum . Lavender Garden
    • Linq’s Linq A
    • Luxury Spa

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