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Aroma Retail

Business Scenting - Tools for Reopening Your Business

Business Scenting - Tools for Reopening Your Business

Written by Madeline Martin 

Business Scenting is a must for reopening your business. With vaccines rolling out, businesses are gearing up to reopen again. Now more than ever is the optimal time to create a positive experience for your customers to not only bring them in but have them returning again and again. Business scenting is a huge part of that customer journey. Let us show you how:


The first aspect a customer will notice when they walk into your business isn’t the décor or your staff’s greeting—it’s the smell. Having a pleasant aroma makes your store feel immediately like a quality establishment. It’s the first positive experience that promises more to come. If you feel like your storefront needs a makeover, start with scent first!

Being Memorable

Did you know that scent receptors are developed in the second trimester of gestation to help a baby learn its mother’s smell? Scent is that important. It logs everything we’ve sniffed into our limbic system, which is also tied to our emotions and memory. This is why smells trigger such powerful recollections.

One of the best ways to be memorable is to find your way into your customer’s limbic system, and that is through fragrance. Smell will stay in your customer’s brains longer than anything they see, hear or touch. It’s why resort hotels—similar to the Bellagio and other resort's infamous Blue Ice Fragrance—use aromas so that every time their guests catch a whiff, they are immediately brought back to that pleasant experience and want to return. It’s brand recognition at its finest.

Better Mood

Scent creates a 40% improvement in mood, and contented consumers are more inclined to be generous in their spending and purchases. Your customers aren’t the only ones whose moods are impacted—so too are your employees. Those uplifted spirits will create an all-around better experience for your patrons and keep them coming back. Happy employees are also 13% more productive, so not only are your customers shopping more, but your staff is also working harder.

Check out our Mood Fragrance Collection for an easy one-stop instant mood changer—

encouraging creativity with clean musks and violets in the Creativity Fragrance for craft supplies and services, or the lavender and cedarwood of the Wellness Fragrance for fitness and health establishments - just to name a few!

Bigger Sales

People enjoy favorable fragrances and tend to linger longer for a chance to breathe them in. Business scenting is one of the reasons customers who linger have a higher likelihood of finding more items to purchase. Even better, you can encourage their purchases with scents. Having a homey scent, such as the soothing, vanilla notes of the Comfort Fragrance, can be perfect for selling mattresses or blankets or other comfortable household accessories. With its mouth-watering aromas of butter and nutty spices, the Warm Bread Bakery Fragrance is beneficial for selling cookware.

If it’s a service you’re selling, aromas are equally impactful. A gym would benefit from the Energy Fragrance’s invigorating scent, as the eucalyptus and cedarwood help get one’s blood flowing. The Luxury Spa fragrance is idyllic for spas, where your clients can be embraced by the soothing perfumes of jasmine, amber and musk.

Covering Smells

Unfortunately, business spaces can be stinky, and some odors might not be evident to those who work in the shop. Whether it’s packing boxes stacked in a back corner, or dyes in products, leaving their mark in the air, it’s best to keep your customers from being subjected to those unpleasantries while shopping. The human nose has 400 scent receptors that can detect over 1 trillion smells—make sure your patrons are only picking up the aromatic ones.

Creating the optimal customer journey can be easily done with the help of business scenting. Whatever mood you want to create or scent you wish to perfume your establishment with, Aroma Retail is here for you as you prepare to reopen your business.

Not sure what scent to grab? Check out our blotters to pick your perfect fragrance. And if you’re in Las Vegas, stop by our Smelly Bar to whiff your way to the ideal scent to brand your business!
