The Power of Scent - The Sense of Smell

No other sense is so firmly linked to memory and emotion than our sense of smell. With its strong physiological link between the olfactory and limbic system and around 1,000 genes that encode distinct scents – compared to vision that only has four – our sense of smell is highly discriminating and adept at distinguishing and recognizing smells, even though we may struggle to articulate them…

That New Book Smell

The smell of a new book - the smell of the paper and ink stimulates our senses. There's this somewhat distinct flavoring scent that emanates from freshly printed books.

Fragrance of the Month for August and September

I like to change the fragrance in my home every once in a while. I like to have a fragrance of the month.  How do you pick the best scent?  Unless you are looking for a specific fragrance, like something you smelled recently in a hotel lobby, you can always pick a scent based on which produce is in season.

What makes rain smell so good?

According to experts, there is a special chemistry behind the clean smell that fills the air after a rainstorm. Many elements have been found to make a contribution to this scent, including bacteria and plants.

Scent System for home - The Home Unit 101

If you are looking for a scent system for home look no further than our whole home solution the Home Unit 101.  With adjustable settings to control fragrance intensity, our Aroma Diffusion Machine allows you to neutralize unwanted odors and diffuse a pleasant scent into any home environment.